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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Eyes On Rufe Snow a proud provider of vision care products and services in North Richland Hills.

Ben Colston, O.D.

Photo of Dr. Ben Dr. Ben Colston was raised in Arlington, Texas. He and his wife, Crystal both graduated from Pantego Christian Academy. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Texas at Arlington and his Doctorate of Optometry from the University of the Incarnate Word Rosenberg School of Optometry in San Antonio, Texas.

After his optometric education, he completed his clinical rotations at the Bob Michael Veterans Affairs Hospital in Illinois, the Bond-Wroten Eye Clinic in Louisiana, the lighthouse for the blind and the Bowden Eye Institute in San Antonio, Texas. He is licensed as a Therapeutic Optometrist and Optometric Glaucoma Specialist. He is also an active member of both the American Optometric Association and the Texas Optometric Association. Before opening Eyes on Broad, Dr. Colston practiced at two private practices in North Dallas and in Southlake, Texas.

He enjoys going on medical mission trips and has provided eye care to patients in Guatemala and the Island of St. Vincent. He likes reading, playing golf, and a good cheeseburger.

Apryl Fincher, O.D.

Dr. Apryl FincherDr. Apryl Fincher was born and raised in Tyler, Texas, where she graduated from the University of Texas at Tyler with a BBA in Marketing and a minor in Biology. She went on to graduate with her Doctor of Optometry degree from Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, Tennessee.

She completed her clinical rotations at the Orlando Veteran Affairs Medical Center, The Eye Center in Memphis, Tennessee, and Eye Specialists of Mid Florida. After graduating, she practiced in Charlotte, North Carolina before deciding to move back home to Texas. She is licensed as a Therapeutic Optometrist and Optometric Glaucoma Specialist, and is a member of the American Optometric Association.

She is married to her husband, Ben, and they have a parrot named Mango. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with Ben and Mango, being outdoors, kickboxing, and reading.


Photo of BriannaBrianna grew up all over the West Coast. She was the first employee of our first location, Eyes on Broad (in Mansfield) and is now the manager for Eyes on Rufe Snow. Brianna has many years in the eye industry and is a board certified Paraoptometric. Brianna’s natural gift for talking to people makes her fantastic at helping you find the perfect pair of glasses. Brianna loves traveling with her husband and spending time with their two dogs.


Photo of CaylaCayla is a native of Fort Worth and has been in the optometry field since 2003. In her spare time, she likes to read, go to concerts, and watch comedy movies. She currently resides in North Richland Hills with her husband of 16 years, Andres, their teenage daughter, Jocelyn, and their two dogs, Zoe and Luna.